
This policy aims to govern the treatment of Service Warranty Structure & Norms from all perspective along with role allocation and timelines.


The terms and conditions under this Policy govern the use of / procedure for the objective mentioned above and related information developed, exchanged, stored etc. This Policy is solely for the purpose of internal use of Airth Research Pvt. Ltd. and guidance of its employees. Nothing herein shall be construed as conferring any right or interest, expressly, by implication, by estoppel or otherwise in the Policy in favour of any distributor / dealer or any other entity/ third party, and no part of this policy may be reproduced, republished, copied, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means without written permission of Airth Research Pvt. Ltd. These terms and conditions must be read carefully before undertaking the said procedure.

Policy Coverage:

1. This policy aims to set a Standard warranty policy covering below stated items

  1. Standard warranty norms
  2. Compensation Terms
  3. Warranty – T&C
  4. Replacement/ Refund policy including:

1) Replacement / Refund including DOA – Guidelines / Process flow / Approval path

2) Depreciation guidelines for promotional/ extended warranty norms (Special scheme offers)

Policy 1 (a): Standard Warranty Norms

1) This policy defines the matrix which explains the product wise standard warranty period & service type.

2) It also defines the Demo / Installation criteria


Warranty terms

Service Type



Primary Installation

vSure Air Purifier

3 Years

In Home




Policy 1 (b): Compensation Terms CPD (As Per Annexure A)

This policy defines matrix for IW & Out Warranty charges applicable for ASCs

Policy 1 (c): Compensation Terms SSD (As Per Annexure B)

This policy defines matrix for IW & Out Warranty charges applicable for SSDs

Policy 1 (d): Warranty Terms & Conditions (IW+OW)


1. Repairs under warranty shall be carried out by an authorized service personnel only. The details of call center are mentioned in the warranty card

2. In case of repairs or replacement of any part/s of the unit or replacement of the unit as deemed by AiRTH, this warranty will thereafter continue and remain in force only for the unexpired period of the warranty.

Parts covered: This warranty contract covers repair / replacement of functional, electronic and Electrical parts within warranty period. Any damage part/ accessory case to be reported at the time of installation to claim replacement.

3. Replacement of parts would be purely at the discretion of AiRTH alone. In case the replacement of the entire unit is being made, (subject to the sole discretion of AiRTH), the same model shall be replaced and in the event such model has been discontinued, it shall be replaced with the model equivalent as deemed by AiRTH.

4. In event of repair AiRTH shall endeavor to use new parts however in any case fresh parts are not available then AiRTH will have every right to use refurbished parts. The warranty on replacement model / Refurbished part shall remain in force only for the unexpired period of the warranty based on original purchase.

5. The company or its Authorized Service Center reserves the right to retain any part/s or component replaced at its discretion, in the event of a defect being noticed in the equipment during warranty period.

6. If any colored internal or external components are replaced, there will be commitment to ensure that the shades match with the original or other components. The replaced shades, patterns, tints may vary from the customer’s unit due to continuous usage of the unit. Any matching components changed at customer’s request will be on chargeable basis except the component which actually needed.

7. This warranty will automatically terminate on the expiry of the warranty period as specified above, even if AiRTH product may not be in use for any time during the warranty period for any reason.

8. In case of any unpredicted situation and spares not being available, AiRTH’s prevailing depreciation policy (subject to the sole discretion of AiRTH & could be change without prior notice) will be applied on the product as a solution.

9. Only courts in state of Delhi and places where AiRTH has its branch office shall have the jurisdiction for settling any claims, disputes arising under the warranty.

10. In warranty Blower Replacement:

a. In case of blower failure during 1st year of product repair warranty, AiRTH shall supply free replacement blower against submission of valid Invoice supported with job completion report duly acknowledged by customer as per company norms & policy.

b. For blower failing after the 1st year of product repair warranty and during the additional period of blower warranty, AiRTH shall supply only free replacement of blower whereas the charges towards labor and transportation have to be collected from customer.


1. Visiting charges of the service engineer /unit/ part/ transportation charges/ installation for units.

2. All expenses incurred in collecting the units or parts thereof from the company’s authorized service center, as well as expenses incurred with deputizing of service personnel / technicians towards conveyance and other incidentals etc. will be borne by the customer and the same shall be at the customer risks & Consequences. Local Charges for transportation and handling charges may vary from location to location. Customers are advised to verify before.

3. In case the customer desires to bring the unit on its own to the authorized service centre, Re installation or un-installation of product based on customer demand. Packing material if used will also be on chargeable basis.

3. Transportation cost in case customer is shifting the product to another location.

4. Damage resulting from operating the product in a corrosive atmosphere or contrary to the instructions outlined in the products owner manual. Labor charges will also be borne by customer.

5. Damage to the product caused by accidents, pests and vermin, lightning, wind fire, floods, or acts of God.

6. Damage resulting from misuse, abuse, improper installation, repair or maintenance. Improper repair includes use of parts not approved or specified by AiRTH.

7. Damage or Failure caused by unauthorized modification or alteration or if it is used for other than the intended purpose or any water leakage where the unit was not properly installed.

8. Damage or Failure caused by incorrect electrical current, voltage or inadequate electrical services, commercial or industrial use, or use of spurious / fake accessories or components, or cleaning products that are not approved by AiRTH.

9. Damage caused by transportation and handling, including scratches, dents, chips, and/or other damage to the finish of your product, unless such damage results from defect in materials or workmanship and is reported within seven days of delivery.

10. Damage or missing items to any display, open box, discounted or refurbished product.

11. Damage to the product if customer gets the product repaired from unauthorized dealer/Person 

12. On removal, tampering or alteration of any serial number/identification labels on the machine or any of its components.

13. Any obligation to carry out the repair in specified time period, while every effort will be made from AiRTH or its authorized service center side to carry out the repair at the earliest.

14. Free accessories provided external to the product.

15. No Warranty will be offered for Discounted or refurbished product sold directly or indirectly by AiRTH.

16. Free installation not applicable for products where DOP is more than 3 months

17. Free gifts given along with product by Dealer

OW (Out warranty) Terms & Conditions

1. Field/Home service is available on the air purifier marketed and sold by AiRTH Research Private Limited.

2. If customer refuses for Installation then Site inspection charges apply.

3. Repair warranty with labor & with part

4. If a part is replaced under warranty, warranty on same expires as per overall unit’s warranty.

5. All service charges are exclusive of all taxes.

6. Service tax as Applicable as of 1st of Jun-2021.

7. In case the customer complaint requires ASC to travel beyond the municipal limits of the city, then customer has to bear the additional travel expenses over and above the fixed service charges.

8. Transportation cost to be charged, If the product needs to be repaired from other city/country (Actual Cost)

9. For call back of product to ASC workshop, product transportation charges to be charged.

Policy 1 (e.1): Replacement/Refund policy including DOA– Guidelines / Process flow / Approval path If the product cannot be repaired due to non-availability of spare parts, or repeated failure or high repair cost replacement or refund is offered to a customer. Exception DOA damage product received by customer.


1. If a Product fails to perform during the warranty period, extended warranty period or out of warranty period and cannot be repaired, then the Customer Service department shall assess the facts and take any of the following actions:

a) Replace it with the same model.

b) Replace it with the upgraded model (in case if same model is discontinued or not available)

c) Make a refund (in case if customer shows his unwillingness to accept replacement).

2. Reasons for return could be as below:

• DOA (Dead on Arrival)

• Quality issue

• Part not available – discontinued/ long ETA/ not available in same location

• Repeat repair: 3 or more times failure of similar type within 6 months

• Repair delay: product not repaired within 30 days due to ASC negligence. Penalty applicable (cost of replacement) to ASC

• B.E.R. (Beyond economical repairs): applicable when part cost is high equivalent to 75% or more of product DP

• Court order

• Helpline/ MD Escalation—to be removed

3. Replacements / Refunds shall be subject to Depreciation policy and shall be based on the price on Invoice to customer.

4. Refund shall not be applicable for System Solution Division products.

5. DOA Policy: (Dead on Arrival) applicable for end consumer only

– Applicable if the product fails with in stipulated time frame of 7/ 30 days from DOP (Customer Invoice) & customer refuses for repair

– DOA bifurcates into Technical & Non-Technical Issues in the product (Technical – Dead / Any part defect & Non-Technical – Broken / dent / aesthetic & cosmetic failure)

– Applicable on vSure air purifier.

CS department shall assess the facts and take any of the following actions:

a) Replace it with the same model.

b) Replace it with alternate/ upgraded model (in case same model is not available or discontinued)

c) Customer is willing to upgrade to higher model by paying differential amount (D.P – 10%)

d) Make a refund (in case if customer shows his unwillingness to accept replacement)

6. Depreciation Policy:

a) Refer below matrix for Depreciation rates.

Consumers Sales division

Ageing from DOP

Air Purifier

0 – 12 Month

0 %

13 – 24 Month

25 %

25 – 36 Month

50 %

More than 36 Month

100 %

c) For promotional warranty replacement / refund case depreciation will be applicable based on the standard warranty period of the product only.

d) In case of manufacturing defects (Crack on body/Internal break in air purifier), depreciation shall not be applicable for two years from the date of purchase on Invoice.

7. Following documents shall be required for accepting customer request:

– Job sheet signed by customer

– Copy of Original Invoice

– Warranty Card/Extended warranty card (Optional)

– Approval form

In case of Refund:

– All of the above documents

– Cancelled Cheque

– Photo ID proof of customer

Letter of satisfaction (LOS)

LOS is mandatory for all refund cases.

LOS is required for replacement cases.

8. Defective product shall be lifted back from the customer:


Department responsible




At the time of handing over new product


Customer service

At the time of handing over the cheque

9. Warranty norm for replaced/ upgraded product: The unit replaced will carry standard warranty from the date of delivery (AiRTH Challan date) or balance time as per invoice, whichever is higher.

10. In case of any problem/ defect in air purifier/ accessories supplied along with replaced product, same to be reported within 7 days of delivery of product.


– Part Failure: After completion of standard product warranty [Under extended warranty time frame]

-Repairable: Parts are available and Product to be repaired as In warranty terms & condition as only parts will be FOC and labor will be charged from customer

-Non-Repairable: Parts not available then we will offer replacement / refund with the standard depreciation policy (As per the proposed Policy)

-Non-Part Failure: After completion of standard product warranty [Under extended warranty time frame]

Transportation cost will be charged as per the standard product charge matrix from customers

Terms & Conditions

– Proposed depreciation policy on promotional warranty will include extended warranty on the product sold for previous years (as per the above proposed policy)

– Promotional warranty offers on special parts (Ex – Blowers, Filters, Disinfecting bulbs) will be applicable on the parts replacement only. Labor charges will be borne by the customer.

– Depreciation will not be applicable for 24 Months from DOP in case of any quality issue / manufacturing defect after 24 months the deprecation will be applicable as per the standard depreciation policy (As proposed policy)

– In case of high cost of repair depreciation to be applied for customer satisfaction. (as per the above proposed policy)

– Any deviation to the above policy is as per the Service HOD discretion


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